Wednesday, September 19, 2018

kiwi trip

When we showed up to the kiwi creche. We all got out of our cars and waited at a tall gate covered in mesh on the top was a long, curved piece of metal . Our class waited patiently by the opening talking to people around us. As Joe showed up on the other side of the gate, She came and told us about the place and what to do when in there. As we went in some of the class walked along calmly but the rest ran in front excitedly. When we got to a shed we talked about the kiwis and lots of interesting facts about them.

We learned that kiwis can live to seventeen years. When Jo had finished talking we went to see the kiwi called Juno. Jo rummaged through the gorse looking for Juno as we waited patiently. When Jo emerged from the prickles she was holding a green bag with Juno in it, squirming and cheeping. Jo sat down in front of us and introduced us to the squirmy kiwi. We split up into two groups as not to scare him. She weighed him and took his health checks before letting the other group come over and see him.

When we had finished our kiwi trip we went back to get into our cars and the parents drove us back to school. seeing Juno was very exiting he was the biggest kiwi i had ever seen!! I almost fell asleep in the car! It had been a long day.   

kiwi kids news - the importance of integrity

Critical Questions:
1. Why do you think integrity is important?
i think its important because if you are not honest people won't trust you. 
2. Do you think that integrity is a part of your nature? Do your instincts warn you when you are doing something that doesn’t show integrity?

yes i think integrity is part of nature and my instincts do warn me. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

Rapunzel sentence changing

Rapunzel sentence changing

original: One day the woman was standing at this window and she saw the most beautiful Rapunzel in a bed.

my sentence: The beautiful girl was staring at an amazing Rapunzel in desperate need to grab it out of the soil. she could smell the musty scent of the old house as the bitter taste of dust settled on her tongue.  "darling I'm cooking rice for dinner!" she heard still staring at the flower. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

my weekly reflection week eight

this week i started to understand how i get stuff organized on trello but i still need too catch up with some stuff. but i'm pretty happy with that though.

kiwi kids news featured article The really busy really that bad?

Critical Thinking Challenges:
1. Do you believe kids being really busy is a good or a bad thing? Why?

well i think its good because you'll have more exiting things to do after school

2. If you think bad, think of three solutions for this issue. If you think good, think of three ways to encourage other kids to get busier!

1. make sports uniforms really cool

2. have fun games at the end.

3. give out best player of the week certificates.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

kiwi kids news featured article Protected: Plastic bags everywhere!

Critical Questions:
1. Do you think that NOT using plastic bags is important? Or do you think it’s not a good deal?
i think not using plastic bags is important because it can lead to global warming and  kill lots of wildlife. 
2. What will happen if we continue to use plastic bags? Will it affect us? Will it affect other animals? Will it affect sea creatures?
if we keep using plastic bags this place will end up in a huge plastic-covered environment and there will be no life.
3. Do you think we will ever be able to get rid of plastic bags globally?
no, because practically everything is made out of plastic and if it weren't around we would have no clothes, no shoes and heaps of other every-day uses.  
4. If you couldn’t use plastic anymore, what is the worst thing that would happen?

we would probably have no clothes or shoes or anything.
Practical Thinking Questions:

1. What is a solution to stop plastic bags from being produced? What is a solution to stop plastic being produced?

the factory's should stop making them and instead of making plastic bags they should make bags out of fabric.  
This week, try and go plastic free. At home, in your lunch, at school. Give it a go! If it is easy, well done! If it is hard, send a letter to the companies that made it hard for you. Ask your favourite brand of biscuits why they package in plastic rather than paper. Write a letter to your local MP demanding change. Let’s make this happen!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

week six weekly reflection.

this week i got a little bit done but i will need to speed things up in the future. i really liked getting some time to play outside in the sunshine but i did not like having to get lots of work done