Friday, November 23, 2018

waiuta gold mine

Waiuta Gold Mine

By Tui

The beginning
In 1905 as prospectors rummaged through the Blackwater Stream they found a reef of gold which was found on King Edward VII birthday, which is why they called it Birthday Reef. Ghost town, Waiuta, was once a productive gold town but was abandoned and left for the ghost to haunt it.

About Waiuta
In 1905, the gold was discovered and after a while in 1908, the Blackwater Shaft was open so in 1930 the population of the gold town grew to the maximum of 600 people. After a few years the Blackwater mine collapsed due to poor construction of the mine.

How they get the gold
Miners had to dig out the quartz that beheld gold. They drilled shot holes into the reef of quartz and filled the holes with explosives so the quartz was small enough to be put into wagons. Because the quartz reef was so thin, miners were working in a confined place.

The end

Waiuta is now an overgrown place with remains of chimneys and rusty old bits of metal. You can still go there and enjoy the amazing Big River Hut tramp.

Friday, October 19, 2018

weekly reflection wk 1 term 4

This week was pretty good, though we didn’t do much pet day was awesome, i made a lot of money for my barbecue sizzle! it was really hard to be in one place but have to be in another place at the same time. but it was a big success otherwise.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

kiwi trip

When we showed up to the kiwi creche. We all got out of our cars and waited at a tall gate covered in mesh on the top was a long, curved piece of metal . Our class waited patiently by the opening talking to people around us. As Joe showed up on the other side of the gate, She came and told us about the place and what to do when in there. As we went in some of the class walked along calmly but the rest ran in front excitedly. When we got to a shed we talked about the kiwis and lots of interesting facts about them.

We learned that kiwis can live to seventeen years. When Jo had finished talking we went to see the kiwi called Juno. Jo rummaged through the gorse looking for Juno as we waited patiently. When Jo emerged from the prickles she was holding a green bag with Juno in it, squirming and cheeping. Jo sat down in front of us and introduced us to the squirmy kiwi. We split up into two groups as not to scare him. She weighed him and took his health checks before letting the other group come over and see him.

When we had finished our kiwi trip we went back to get into our cars and the parents drove us back to school. seeing Juno was very exiting he was the biggest kiwi i had ever seen!! I almost fell asleep in the car! It had been a long day.   

kiwi kids news - the importance of integrity

Critical Questions:
1. Why do you think integrity is important?
i think its important because if you are not honest people won't trust you. 
2. Do you think that integrity is a part of your nature? Do your instincts warn you when you are doing something that doesn’t show integrity?

yes i think integrity is part of nature and my instincts do warn me. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

Rapunzel sentence changing

Rapunzel sentence changing

original: One day the woman was standing at this window and she saw the most beautiful Rapunzel in a bed.

my sentence: The beautiful girl was staring at an amazing Rapunzel in desperate need to grab it out of the soil. she could smell the musty scent of the old house as the bitter taste of dust settled on her tongue.  "darling I'm cooking rice for dinner!" she heard still staring at the flower. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

my weekly reflection week eight

this week i started to understand how i get stuff organized on trello but i still need too catch up with some stuff. but i'm pretty happy with that though.

kiwi kids news featured article The really busy really that bad?

Critical Thinking Challenges:
1. Do you believe kids being really busy is a good or a bad thing? Why?

well i think its good because you'll have more exiting things to do after school

2. If you think bad, think of three solutions for this issue. If you think good, think of three ways to encourage other kids to get busier!

1. make sports uniforms really cool

2. have fun games at the end.

3. give out best player of the week certificates.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

kiwi kids news featured article Protected: Plastic bags everywhere!

Critical Questions:
1. Do you think that NOT using plastic bags is important? Or do you think it’s not a good deal?
i think not using plastic bags is important because it can lead to global warming and  kill lots of wildlife. 
2. What will happen if we continue to use plastic bags? Will it affect us? Will it affect other animals? Will it affect sea creatures?
if we keep using plastic bags this place will end up in a huge plastic-covered environment and there will be no life.
3. Do you think we will ever be able to get rid of plastic bags globally?
no, because practically everything is made out of plastic and if it weren't around we would have no clothes, no shoes and heaps of other every-day uses.  
4. If you couldn’t use plastic anymore, what is the worst thing that would happen?

we would probably have no clothes or shoes or anything.
Practical Thinking Questions:

1. What is a solution to stop plastic bags from being produced? What is a solution to stop plastic being produced?

the factory's should stop making them and instead of making plastic bags they should make bags out of fabric.  
This week, try and go plastic free. At home, in your lunch, at school. Give it a go! If it is easy, well done! If it is hard, send a letter to the companies that made it hard for you. Ask your favourite brand of biscuits why they package in plastic rather than paper. Write a letter to your local MP demanding change. Let’s make this happen!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

week six weekly reflection.

this week i got a little bit done but i will need to speed things up in the future. i really liked getting some time to play outside in the sunshine but i did not like having to get lots of work done

Friday, August 24, 2018

wk five weekly reflection.

My Weekly reflection

This week i did great i got everything running smoothly not so jumbled up. I think i still need to improve on getting things done though next week. i really liked  “getting things done smoothly” obviously. And i did not like not improving.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

little purple riding my storie

Little red purple riding hood
This may be a bit gruesome for people eight and under so I recommend only to read this story to people nine and over.

“I’ve had enough of your whinging, I am sending you to your grandmother! And you must take her some baking.” said little purple riding hood's mother.
“She is sick again.” she said.

“Again?! Ughh” said little purple riding hood. “She’s always sick. When would she not be sick!” she groaned. And with that, she walked out the door with the baking and slammed it behind her.

Little purple riding hood’s grandmother lived on the other side of the forest in a little peach pink cottage. As little purple riding hood went through the woods she spotted a wolf picking flowers. “Oh! Well who do we have here?” chuckled the wolf.

“Me? Oh I am going to my grandma’s house at the other side of the woods.” she said innocently.
“Hmm, now little girl what is your grand-mama's Address?” said the wolf.  

“1234 rata road.” she said. That is a nice place to live.” said the wolf.

“Ok I must be off now goodbye!” he said. And he vanished into the woods. (but he was actually going to grandma’s house!)

As the wolf approached grandma’s house he knocked on the door. Knock, Knock! “Hello dear!” said grandma. But the wolf did not know the grandma knew that the wolf was coming. So when the wolf opened the door the grandma stabbed him with a kitchen knife and when little purple riding hood arrived they had roast wolf for dinner but they ate too much and were stuck in their seats forever.

The end
sorry about the alignment i could not figure out what was going on    

Thursday, August 16, 2018

My weekly reflection 16/08/18

my weekly reflection

this week i got a lot done this week and i think maybe i could get even more done next week! i liked getting things done this week and i disliked all the rain.

Quick Write-show don't tell

we only had five minutes to complete this

NO:i was happy.
YES: the look on her face was full of cheerfulness and glee.  the faces of the people around her  lit up with delight and pride as well.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

on this day in history 14/08/2011, polar blast sweeps New Zealand, here is a google slide of the event.

Monday, August 13, 2018

kiwi kids news- featured article computer games in the classroom?

Critical Thinking Challenges:
1. Think about a computer game you enjoy playing. What skills do you need in order to complete it or be successful at it?
i have to do writing, navigation, maths and reading.
2. How do computer game designers make games fun to play? Why do you keep playing them?
i don't know how they make computer games fun. and i play them when i am bored.


quick write-make the reader want to read more.

this was only five minutes of writing

"leave me alone i want to watch the lights in the sky!" cried Nattily. " no, you can't!" yelled her mother Elena. " but i want to!" she stormed, the wind howled like a ghost it was cold and dark it was nine o"clock at night, way past Nattily's bed time. No Nattily! it dangerous you can get crushed by those meteorites!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as Nattily walked further and further into the darkness suddenly  a meteorite hit the ground BOOOOOOM!!!! "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" screamed Elena tears building up in her eyes. "aghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"   yelled Nattily...

To be continued....      

Friday, August 10, 2018

scratch-little red riding hood my version

press W,A,S,D to move the wolf and press the up, down, right and left arrows to move little red riding hood (this is a two player game and the wolf has try eat little red riding hood) hope you enjoy=-) you might have to click the flag twice though.

weekly reflection-9/8/18

my weekly reflection-wk 3

this week i think i better at getting stuff done i think i still need to improve on it though. maybe next week  could get my version of little red riding hood done but other then that i think i have done a good job.  

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Quick write-planning a setting

today for quick write we are writing about a setting of our choice, this was only 5 minutes of work

i can feel the cold winter wind on my face. the sun is beaming down on me, i hear the crunchy soft snow under my skis and i swiftly glide down the basin. the peaceful quietness of the ski field surrounds me up high on the mountain i feel so free.  i can see the valley looming way bellow me. i  look onto the horizon and close my eyes all i hear is my could, deep breath.

on this day in history-JetBlue flight attendant quits job via escape slide

on this day in history a flight attendant quits his job because a passenger is abusive to him so he grabs two bottles of beer off the beer cart and escapes down the emergency slide before realising he forgot his luggage then he scrambles back up the slide, retrieves his luggage and goes back down the slide and gets in his car then drives home!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

kiwi kids news featured article -FORTNITE -all night? 8/81/18

Critical Questions:
If this line of argument is right, what are the implications for teenagers playing? What are the implications for adults playing?

the  implications of teenagers playing are they will not get enough sleep and the implications of adults
is that they will be too tired to work and then they won't get money and if they don't get money they won't get food and if they don't get food they will die.

What would be a solution for this problem? (Other than banning Fortnite altogether!)
Who is responsible for the Fortnite Addiction in the first place and who is responsible for solving it?

a solution would be if you could play Fornite for a certain amount of time and it will log you off if you play to long. the person who is responsible for the addiction  is Darren Sugg and who can solve it? well, i guess WE can.  

on this day in history-fire trap 262 miners in coal mine-8/8/1956

here is a picture i drew of the miners in the mine with the fire.
and i only had 20 minutes to complete this.

Friday, August 3, 2018

scratch- three little pigs (gruesome version) this is my very first scratch.

three little pigs (gruesome version)

Three little pigs

(warning this is a very gruesome version so I recommend only people eight and over to hear this)

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. Their mother was getting sick of them, feeding and caring for them was too much money. So she decided to tell them to go away and look after themselves. But the thing was that the three little pigs were very young, and they did not know how to look after themselves!

The first little pig was named Billy and he was seven years old, the second little pig was named Bobby and was eight years old, and the third little pig was called Benny and was nine years old.

So the next day Billy, Bobby and Benny set off to look after themselves. As ( said they could not look after themselves so they went to find someone to help them build a house.

Then they finally found a farmer with lots of hay and sticks and wood. But the farmer fooled them into thinking he would help them build their houses but he was actually planning to eat them for dinner! “G’ day li’l piggies!” said the farmer. “Oh hello Mr farmer!” said Benny. “What are ye doin out here on ye own?” cried the farmer. “ Oh, we were looking for someone to help us build our homes!” said Benny cheerfully.

“Well I can help ye build ye homes, but ye must come to me house for dinner!” the farmer scold. “OK that sounds lovely Mr Farmer!” said Benny. “Well, see you then!” cried benny, rather happily. And they walked away.

While they were walking into the woods, Billy, the youngest piglet said “i do not trust that farmer.” “why not?” said Benny. “ well, he just seems a little bit scary.” said Billy. “Yeah Billy is right, that farmer does seem a bit weird.” said Bobby. “ughhh You guys are annoying” said Benny. And he walked a little faster, but suddenly Billy and Bobby stopped walking. “ oh no, we are all going to be eaten!!!” Billy and Bobby cried. “h” Benny smirked. “Well i will eat you if you don’t shut up!!” “but...mmmmmmmmmmm!!!” said Billy, but benny had covered their mouths with cloth and he was getting out the...gas stove!!! “No...mmmmmmmmmmm!!!” Bobby tried to talk but Benny did the same to him!

He turned in the gas stove “” “and threw his brothers on it!!! “Mmmm” said Billy and Bobby as they sizzled to death. “Yum i’ll bring fresh bacon for dinner!” said Benny. So that night he went to the farmers house for diner.

When he got to the farmer’s house he knocked on the door “knock knock knock!” “oh g’day l’ll pig!. Said the farmer licking his lips “wait a second, where are your brothers?” “right here!” Benny smirked as he lifted the tea-towel on the plate. “Oh!” said the farmer a little surprised “OK” “um, oh would you like to come into the kitchen and serve that” the farmer said chuckling. “OK” said Benny. So he walked into the kitchen but then suddenly, everything went black! And he felt himself being lifted up and then he felt a hot burning feeling on his back and then he died. “Yum yum, fresh bacon for dinner” the farmer smirked. As he watched the pig simmered to death so Benny should have listen to his brothers.

The end

Thursday, August 2, 2018

kiwi kids news featured article

1) Imagine that the rest of the world really has forgotten New Zealand exists, what are the pros and cons of being in the world but not part of it?
A pro is we would not have to be in wars and a con is that we would not be able to go to the Olympics and other international events  
2) Why would, for example, India or China be upset if a map was made without their country on it, but map-makers are happy to forget New Zealand?
because china and India are bigger countries then new Zealand and china is where all the toys and stuff is made
3) Use a computer or by freehand, draw your own map of the world and remove a country without telling anyone. What does the map look like? Is it odd or is the missing country unnoticeable? Show it to classmates, can they recognize which country is missing?

(in top right hand corner.)
4) Research into how maps have changed and evolved over time. Look at all the changes and how map-makers have shown the world in different ways. What kinds of things do you notice? Can you spot the same countries and cities in maps from different times and places?

5) Visit and look at all the maps that people have made with An Important Missing Ingredient…

New Zealand!!!

my weekly reflection

My weekly reflection

This week i really enjoyed getting things done, i think i got a lot more done his week than  last week, i think next week i could try to do things a little bit faster, the things i did not like about this week is missing out on hockey.

this day n history: sudden thunder storm causes plane crash

on this day in history- 1985, sudden thunder storm causes plane crash

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

this day in history: hurricane sinks Spanish treasure ships

 this day in history,on the 31/07/1715 a hurricane sunk a Spanish treasure ship.

Monday, July 30, 2018

this is my weekly reflection.

This day in history - Car less day introduced in NZ 1979

this is my picture
this is deans/my teachers picture

Thursday, July 26, 2018

quick write 26/07/18

for this quick write were writing about conflicts

this day in history 26/07/18

on this day in history, a flood in central Otago mine kills 25 people.

kiwi kids news featured article

for this kiwi kids news featured article, we read: should men and women be paid the same for sports?

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

my holiday writing

this day in history 24/07/18

on this day in history,  Hundreds  of people drown in Eastland disaster

Monday, July 23, 2018

on this day in history 23/07/18

this is my on this day in history. for this day in history i did a creation about guns n' roses popular breakthrough with the song sweet child o' mine.

Friday, July 6, 2018

prebiotics vs. probiotcs Venn diagram

this term we did a Venn diagram about prebiotics and probiotics.

how to sterilise jars

for home learning i did how to sterilise jars so if you want to make any preserves you have nice fresh jars to put them in. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

my mould experiment

this term we did a mould experiment and we put food in plastic zip -up bags some had water and some were just by themselves 

how to make Natto and ginger beer

 these are instructions on how to make Natto (a sticky Japanese food) and ginger beer.

how or why fermentation helps with the gut biome

this term we have been learning about fermentation. i have made a google slide about how or why fermentation helps with the gut biome.