Wednesday, August 22, 2018

little purple riding my storie

Little red purple riding hood
This may be a bit gruesome for people eight and under so I recommend only to read this story to people nine and over.

“I’ve had enough of your whinging, I am sending you to your grandmother! And you must take her some baking.” said little purple riding hood's mother.
“She is sick again.” she said.

“Again?! Ughh” said little purple riding hood. “She’s always sick. When would she not be sick!” she groaned. And with that, she walked out the door with the baking and slammed it behind her.

Little purple riding hood’s grandmother lived on the other side of the forest in a little peach pink cottage. As little purple riding hood went through the woods she spotted a wolf picking flowers. “Oh! Well who do we have here?” chuckled the wolf.

“Me? Oh I am going to my grandma’s house at the other side of the woods.” she said innocently.
“Hmm, now little girl what is your grand-mama's Address?” said the wolf.  

“1234 rata road.” she said. That is a nice place to live.” said the wolf.

“Ok I must be off now goodbye!” he said. And he vanished into the woods. (but he was actually going to grandma’s house!)

As the wolf approached grandma’s house he knocked on the door. Knock, Knock! “Hello dear!” said grandma. But the wolf did not know the grandma knew that the wolf was coming. So when the wolf opened the door the grandma stabbed him with a kitchen knife and when little purple riding hood arrived they had roast wolf for dinner but they ate too much and were stuck in their seats forever.

The end
sorry about the alignment i could not figure out what was going on    


  1. Hi Tui i like how you put the adjective pink peach. Next time although your story is wonderful you could make it on one page:)

    1. Thanks Tara. i am sorryabout the alighnment but i could not get it centered?=-\ ;-)Tui


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