Friday, April 5, 2019

New world trip

on Thursday last week, Te kinga went into town to go on a grocery shopping expedition. first a nutritionist came and talked us though about foods and nutrition. then we went in to town and did an expedition to find every day foods and occasional  food. after we finished that, Jessica (the nutritionist) gave us a sixty dollar voucher to get some healthy things for smoothies. before we went to the super market we went to the Greymouth recreation centre and after we went to the super market we went to the library and Dickson park.

here are some photos we took while we were there!

Jacob checking the nutrition list

Jimi doing street interviews at the library 

Eden and Jacob picking some food

our class having fun in the pool

me doing a cannonball in the pool (in the rec centre too)

Jimi, Jacob and Levi doing some basketball at the rec centre

grace thumbs up